What can you expect from your first visit?

  • A conversation with the Doctor about your health history and to get all of your questions answered
  • A physical exam, movement evaluation & some form of treatment based of your condition and needs
  • A discussion about the best plan for you moving forward to reach your goals

Common questions that will be discussed about your plan

  • Length of your care plan(number of visits & length)
  • What treatment will be done and the progressions of your care
  • Financial investment in your health

How long will the first visit take and what should I bring?

  • Plan on 45 minutes for the initial visit
  • Your insurance card, if using insurance – in network with most companies.
  • Form of payment – credit card, FSA/HSA card, cash or check accepted
  • Your calendar in order to schedule your appointments at the times the work best for your schedule

Want to save time your visit? Download and fill out the initial visit paperwork ahead of time.